Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Quantum Vacuum is NOT nothing: Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin, PhD explains why

Atheist and naturalist Alexander Vilenkin is one of the world's leading cosmologists and theoretical physicists. In the following video, you can watch Vilenkin explaining that the so-called "Quantum Vacuum" is NOT nothing:

This fact is very relevant to discussions about the first premiss of the kalam comsological argument for God's existence, namely, the premiss "Whatever begins to exist has a cause".  Since the universe began to exist, it follows that it has a cause. 

Confronted with this evidence, atheists have been forced to mispresent science and claim that "virtual particles" comes from the quantum vacuum and hence from "nothing", in order to claim that the causal principle is false. (You won't see the same atheists challenging the causal principle in any other field like biology, medicine, history, parapsychology, etc. For example, they never would claim that a new disease, or putative psychic phenomena or a new biological species "come from nothing". They'll say, with dogmatic confidence, that new biological species came from random mutations plus natural selection or putative psychic phenomena are caused by fraud and delusions. They will only challenge the causal principle as applied to the universe's beginning and in the context of arguments for God's existence).

It is pretty sure to say with some confidence that if your ever see an atheist claiming that, you have in front of you an intelectually dishonest sophist and charlatan, someone totally unreliable and unwhorty of intellectual respect.

Virtual particles coming from the quantum vacuum are NOT an example of something coming uncaused from nothing, because the quantum vacuum is NOT nothing, as explains philosopher William Lane Craig:

Craig uses the example of a magician doing a magic trick, in which the magician makes appear something (e.g. a rabbit) apparently from "nothing". In this case (supposing that professional magic is real, which is not), at least you have an "efficient cause" of the rabbit's coming to being, namely, the magician himself. So, even in the case of magicians appearing something from thin air, you have not an example of something coming uncaused from nothing at all.

But the atheists who challenge the causal principle try to make us to believe in a more radical, anti-scientific, non-evidence based, extremely credulous and entirely faith-based conclusion: that something can come from literally nothing at all (not even from an efficient cause) and that such "something" is the universe itself (even if we have NEVER experienced something coming from nothing, and even if the whole scientific enterprise is based on the view that facts and events which begin to exist have causes which are passible of scientific explanations in terms of some causal mechanism like random mutations plus natural selection, viral infections or political decisions).

Atheists who claim that something can come from nothing cannot offer any evidence (let alone, scientific one) nor any proven example of something coming to exist uncaused from nothing. It's pure wishful thinking and charlatanism put on the service of an misleading, egotistic and pseudoscientific atheist agenda.

This is powerful evidence for Jime's Iron Law.

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