Ryke Geerd Hamer is a very controversial German medical doctor whose work I've studied (as a layman and curious truth seeker) for years. He's seen as the greatest medical genius of the history of medicine by his followers, and as a charlatan by his detractors. Apparently, no middle position or opinion is possible to have regarding Hamer.
In my lay opinion and based on the evidence that I've studied by myself, I think Hamer has gotten some things right regarding the origin cancer diseases and other diseases. But his theory is very complex, largely counterintuitive and easy to misunderstand, and reliable information about it almost doesn't exist in English (the best information about it, both pro and against, is available in German, French and Spanish).
His lastest and very short book "Germanische Heilkunde - Kurzinformation", which unfortunately is not available in English yet, is a summary of his basic and most recents findings on medicine commonly referred to as "German New Medicine", and now as "German Heilkunde", a name which has not specific translation in English.
Using easy-to-understand examples and explanations, Hamer explains the foundations of the 5 biological laws of Nature according to which cancer and other diseases are originated.
Hamer's 4th law refers to the role of microbes in diseases (you can read a summary of it here). In his lastest book, Hamer excludes viruses from his explanatory schema. The reason is that Hamer thinks that virus haven't been scientifically proven to exist (in previous books, Hamer thought that virus did exist and were operating in organs of an ectodermic origin, like the external skin or bronchial mucosa).
The reasons why Hamer thinks viruses' existence have not been scientifically proven are the following:
-There is not evidence for the isolation of any patogenic virus. (This is a point developed by one of Hamer's followers, James McKumiskey, whom I interviewed here).
Hamer is not a virologist, but it is obvious that he's using the arguments of virologist Stefan Lanka (who actually isolated a virus in a sea algae in the 90s) who has published evidence (mostly in German) that no patogenic virus has been isolated in human beings using the standard methods of isolation required by virology (see this English article by Lanka debunking some pictures of putative patogenic viruses).
Lanka's arguments are similar to the ones used by the Perth Group of Australia regarding the virus HIV (read carefully this debate between the Perth Group and a world's leading HIV expert named Robin Weiss, about the existence or non-existence of scientific evidence for HIV. Some arguments there are technical, but they're understable). The difference is that Lanka applies his arguments to all known patogenic virus, not just to HIV.
-Viral diseases are explained by Hamer as product of biological conflicts, or intoxications, and these causes provide a sufficient explanation for what medical science considers as "viral diseases". No virus is needed to explain these "viral" diseases.
Now, we can ask: how do Hamer explain the pictures of virus as seen in medical textbooks? His answer is that we medicine calls "virus" are actually particles (proteins) produced by the own body when it is in process of healing (specially in organs of an ectodermic origin). So, when a women solves a biological conflict of sexual frustration (e.g. after being raped or sexually abused or rejected in any way, or due to her partner's infidelity), she will develop a "cervical cancer" (= actually a healing of ulcers in the cervix, which is carried out through cell proliferation in order to fill and heal the ulcers in the cervix) and so-called Human Papilomavirus "HPV" viral particles will be found because this "virus" is caused by the own organism as part of this cell proliferative (healing) process in the cerivx (the whole process, which is a biological healing process according to Hamer, will be understood as a "lethal cancer disease" by conventional medicine, which not understand that such cell proliferation has the purpose of healing the ulcers in the cervix caused by the active phase of the conflict of sexual frustration).
In my lay opinion and based on the evidence that I've studied by myself, I think Hamer has gotten some things right regarding the origin cancer diseases and other diseases. But his theory is very complex, largely counterintuitive and easy to misunderstand, and reliable information about it almost doesn't exist in English (the best information about it, both pro and against, is available in German, French and Spanish).
His lastest and very short book "Germanische Heilkunde - Kurzinformation", which unfortunately is not available in English yet, is a summary of his basic and most recents findings on medicine commonly referred to as "German New Medicine", and now as "German Heilkunde", a name which has not specific translation in English.
Using easy-to-understand examples and explanations, Hamer explains the foundations of the 5 biological laws of Nature according to which cancer and other diseases are originated.
Hamer's 4th law refers to the role of microbes in diseases (you can read a summary of it here). In his lastest book, Hamer excludes viruses from his explanatory schema. The reason is that Hamer thinks that virus haven't been scientifically proven to exist (in previous books, Hamer thought that virus did exist and were operating in organs of an ectodermic origin, like the external skin or bronchial mucosa).
The reasons why Hamer thinks viruses' existence have not been scientifically proven are the following:
-There is not evidence for the isolation of any patogenic virus. (This is a point developed by one of Hamer's followers, James McKumiskey, whom I interviewed here).
Hamer is not a virologist, but it is obvious that he's using the arguments of virologist Stefan Lanka (who actually isolated a virus in a sea algae in the 90s) who has published evidence (mostly in German) that no patogenic virus has been isolated in human beings using the standard methods of isolation required by virology (see this English article by Lanka debunking some pictures of putative patogenic viruses).
Lanka's arguments are similar to the ones used by the Perth Group of Australia regarding the virus HIV (read carefully this debate between the Perth Group and a world's leading HIV expert named Robin Weiss, about the existence or non-existence of scientific evidence for HIV. Some arguments there are technical, but they're understable). The difference is that Lanka applies his arguments to all known patogenic virus, not just to HIV.
-Viral diseases are explained by Hamer as product of biological conflicts, or intoxications, and these causes provide a sufficient explanation for what medical science considers as "viral diseases". No virus is needed to explain these "viral" diseases.
Now, we can ask: how do Hamer explain the pictures of virus as seen in medical textbooks? His answer is that we medicine calls "virus" are actually particles (proteins) produced by the own body when it is in process of healing (specially in organs of an ectodermic origin). So, when a women solves a biological conflict of sexual frustration (e.g. after being raped or sexually abused or rejected in any way, or due to her partner's infidelity), she will develop a "cervical cancer" (= actually a healing of ulcers in the cervix, which is carried out through cell proliferation in order to fill and heal the ulcers in the cervix) and so-called Human Papilomavirus "HPV" viral particles will be found because this "virus" is caused by the own organism as part of this cell proliferative (healing) process in the cerivx (the whole process, which is a biological healing process according to Hamer, will be understood as a "lethal cancer disease" by conventional medicine, which not understand that such cell proliferation has the purpose of healing the ulcers in the cervix caused by the active phase of the conflict of sexual frustration).
Other diseases explained in Hamer's book:
-Breast cancer: Hamer explains the origin of both "ductal breast cancer" and "lobular breast cancer". The explanation is very similar to the one that you can read in this Hamer's website.
-Colon cancer: The explanation is very similar to the one provided by Hamer in this link.
-Testicle cancer: A very simlar explanation as the one provided by Hamer in this link.
-Ovary cancer: A similar explanation as seen in this link.
-Lung cancer: The origin of both "bronchial carcinoma" and "lung adenocarcinoma" are explained in Hamer's book, similar explanations are provided by Hamer here.
-Colon cancer: The explanation is very similar to the one provided by Hamer in this link.
-Testicle cancer: A very simlar explanation as the one provided by Hamer in this link.
-Ovary cancer: A similar explanation as seen in this link.
-Lung cancer: The origin of both "bronchial carcinoma" and "lung adenocarcinoma" are explained in Hamer's book, similar explanations are provided by Hamer here.
Endometriosis according to Hamer:
A disease explained by Hamer in his book, not available in any English website, is endometriosis.
According to conventional medicine, endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue (endometrium) normally lining the womb (or uterus) grows on different organs outside the uterus.
According to Hamer, endometriosis is the result of a burst of an ovarian cyst (which hasn't been previously diagnosed) that release firm parts into the abdominal cavity. There they take roots and form new small tissues that produce estrogen. (The conflict is a "profound loss conflict", for example after the death of a dear animal, family member, son, etc. as explained in this link. The ovarian cysts and, when they bursts, endometriosis, appear always after the solution of the conflict as explained in the link mentioned previously).
According to conventional medicine, endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue (endometrium) normally lining the womb (or uterus) grows on different organs outside the uterus.
According to Hamer, endometriosis is the result of a burst of an ovarian cyst (which hasn't been previously diagnosed) that release firm parts into the abdominal cavity. There they take roots and form new small tissues that produce estrogen. (The conflict is a "profound loss conflict", for example after the death of a dear animal, family member, son, etc. as explained in this link. The ovarian cysts and, when they bursts, endometriosis, appear always after the solution of the conflict as explained in the link mentioned previously).
In conclusion, Hamer's book is a good introduction to his particular ideas and theories about the origin of cancer and other diseases. But people already familiar with Hamer's works won't find in this book anything new.
Perhaps the book will be translated into English in a few months.
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