Examine carefully and sympathetically both sides of the debate, and draw your own conclusions asking yourselves "which is the most plausible argument?".
My own opinion is that, as expected, atheist Law couldn't reply correctly to Craig's arguments (specially the first and second arguments by Craig weren't responded by Law, and his replies to the other arguments were pretty weak, contrieved and ad hoc).
You can hear the public in the hall to give ocassional positive responses to Craig's refutations of Law's atheist claims, so I think that in general the public there also realized that Craig won the debate (let's see if the poll of this debate are published, in order to confirm or refute my perception),
Atheism is a dying ideology; and this is why a theist like Craig predictably destroys them in debates pretty easily.
It's needed to have a monumentally strong faith in atheism and hostility towards theism (and the obvious cognitive distortion and irrationality caused by such emotional commitment and the companion wishful thinking) in order to give more plausibility to atheism than theism (at least, regarding the case for atheism as presented by atheists like Stephen Law).
My own opinion is that, as expected, atheist Law couldn't reply correctly to Craig's arguments (specially the first and second arguments by Craig weren't responded by Law, and his replies to the other arguments were pretty weak, contrieved and ad hoc).
You can hear the public in the hall to give ocassional positive responses to Craig's refutations of Law's atheist claims, so I think that in general the public there also realized that Craig won the debate (let's see if the poll of this debate are published, in order to confirm or refute my perception),
Atheism is a dying ideology; and this is why a theist like Craig predictably destroys them in debates pretty easily.
It's needed to have a monumentally strong faith in atheism and hostility towards theism (and the obvious cognitive distortion and irrationality caused by such emotional commitment and the companion wishful thinking) in order to give more plausibility to atheism than theism (at least, regarding the case for atheism as presented by atheists like Stephen Law).
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