Monday, September 26, 2011

Philosopher and Mathematician John C. Lennox replies to Stephen Hawking's atheistic book The Grand Design

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Leading British Atheists (Polly Toynbee, Richard Dawkins & A.C. Grayling) cowardly run from William Lane Craig

Dawkins is not the only culprit in shying away from Craig's October 2011 UK Tour. He is but one of a Humanist Trinity who have all, in their own way, run away from William Lane Craig's willingness for open dialogue.

More on atheist cowardice regarding the debates with William Lane Craig, here, here and here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Atheist philosopher from Oxford Daniel Came suggests that Richard Dawkins' refusal to debate Craig may be interpreted as cowardice on Dawkins' part

Dr.Daniel Came

According to this note, Dr Daniel Came, a philosophy lecturer and fellow atheist, from Worcester College, Oxford, wrote to Richard Dawkins urging him to reconsider his refusal to debate the existence of God with Christian philosopher and theologian Dr.William Lane Craig.

In a letter to Prof Dawkins, Dr Came said: “The absence of a debate with the foremost apologist for Christian theism is a glaring omission on your CV and is of course apt to be interpreted as cowardice on your part.

“I notice that, by contrast, you are happy to discuss theological matters with television and radio presenters and other intellectual heavyweights like Pastor Ted Haggard of the National Association of Evangelicals and Pastor Keenan Roberts of the Colorado Hell House.

Came's reference to the intellectual "heavyweights" is clearly a joke, since pastors like Haggard and others are not the best defenders of Christian theism. Came is clearly trying to push Dawkins to accept the challenge to debate with the most sophisticated philosophical defender of God's existence, instead of arguing with common Christian pastors.

The leading contemporary defender of God's existence is William Lane Craig. So, any person who wants to argue against God's existence, has the intellectual duty to refute Craig's arguments for God's existence.

Dawkins, fully knowing that Craig would sweep the floor with him in an public and high-level intellectual debate, is avoiding the debate with Craig at all cost.

Personally, and being very familiar with the typical hard-core atheist's mindset (which includes arrogance + egotism + dishonesty + cowardice), I'm pretty sure that Dawkins WON'T debate Craig. Ever.

Richard Dawkins is demostrably a coward who is scared of dabating with William Lane Craig about God's existence

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