Thursday, February 24, 2011

Interview with scientific researcher of the afterlife Michael Roll on the secular case for survival of consciousness

This is an interview with atheist Michael Roll, a scientific researcher of the afterlife and survival of consciousness. I thank Michael for kindly accepting this interview. Enjoy.

1-Michael, tell us something about your background.

My mother had made a careful study of life after death, coming across the work of Arthur Findlay. His first book 'On The Edge of the Etheric'. She named me after him - Michael Findlay Roll. She was always able to give me the antidote to the terrible religious poison that the state in England demands is pumped into every child at school. I will always remember at the age of five, after my first day at school, rushing home to tell my mother about this "wonderful" saviour god called Christ who is going to forgive me for every rotten thing I do on Earth. Mother hit the roof, I had never seen her so angry. What she said next stayed with me for the rest of my life. "You are personally responsible and liable for every thought and action during your stay on Earth. There is no invisible Big Daddy in the sky called god. This crazy god business as been invented by priests to keep them in power and the masses in fear, ignorance and servitude." I found that this was spot on as I read Arthur Findlay's masterpiece later in life - "The Curse of Ignorance".

2-Why did you get interested in the afterlife and the evidence for survival?

After reading 'On the Edge of the Etheric' at the age of 16. I realised then that I had been told a pack of lies by my teachers including the science teachers. We are only dealing with natural and normal forces in the universe, that nothing is supernatural or paranormal. If something happens then it must come within the laws of physics - the definition of physics is natural philosophy.

In 1874 when Sir William Crookes published the results of his experiments with the materialisation medium Florence Cook in the Quarterly Journal of Science this was the greatest scientific breakthrough in the history of mankind. Crookes had discovered by repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions that there are people all around us who are normally just out of range of our five physical senses. People who are exactly the same as when they were on Earth, for the most part just as thick as when they were on Earth. Most definately not to be worshipped or kowtowed to or taken too much notice of. I am of course being brutal just to make a point. Most people in the etheric wavelengths are nice, just the same as most people on Earth are. Sadly this great discovery was ignored and science took the wrong path, hence the vicious attacks on Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge.

This is from almost the whole of the scientific establishment and all priests. Never forget what the pope said to Professor Stephen Hawking, "I don't care what you do in science just as long as you never encroach on my subject, life after death."

This is what Hawking reported during a live televised press conference on his return from meeting the pope. I was watching.

3-Have you had some first-hand personal experiences with survival phenomena (e.g. mediumship)?

This happened in 1983 when I went to Leicester and took part in an experiment with a materialisation medium called Rita Goold. Full reports are on my website Look up The Cleaver Report. The journalist Alan Cleaver had been there before me and carried out the excellent scientific exercise that Sir William Crookes was unable to do with the materialised Katie King. Cleaver reunited the materialised Helen Duncan with her daughter Gena Brealey who was still on Earth. I was also reunited with my "dead" father giving me the crushing personal proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies. I am only interested in this type of mediumship where all five of our senses are working and the people who materialise are just as solid and as natural as we are. They speak in the same voice that they had on Earth. For example, a Dutch lady took part in a Rita Goold experiment and was reunited with her "dead" son and mother. They spoke in fluent Dutch.

4-As an atheist, have you ever considered the possibility that the evidence for survival provides some kind of evidence against atheism?

It says in my dictionary that an atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a deity. I don't believe in anything. I accept survival because it has been proved beyond any shadow of doubt, just the same as I accept that the world is round and not flat. We have discovered people all around us who once lived on Earth. People that our ancestors mistook for angels, devils, gods or worst of all, big daddy god himself. Some of these people in the etheric part of the universe come through to gullible Spiritualists and pretend that they are God. This is exactly what must have happened in the past.

5-Which is the best scientific evidence for the afterlife?

What I have described above.

6-William Crookes was a prominent and first-rate scientist who researched mediumship phenomena too. However, even among a few spiritualists or people sympathetic for the afterlife, there are skeptics who question Crookes' research with Florence Cook for several reasons: 1-In at least two occasions, sitters grabbed a materialized spirit in one of Florence Cook's séances and found it to be Florence herself. 2-Cook had an association with Rosina Showers, who was a fake medium. 3-In the photos taken by William Crookes, they never clearly show Florence Cook and Katie King together. Moreover, in the only photo that supposedly shows both of them, Florence's face is covered by a shawl. Critics argue that this evidence cast doubts on Florence's mediumship and hence on Crookes's positive scientific conclusions about her. What do you think of such criticisms? How do you respond to them?

Sir William Crookes and materialized spirit Katie King

As I have said above. You have to balance the case for Crookes against those who are desperate to destroy him. We are up against people who are professionals, fighting for their very existence as credible academics. On British television for example nobody is allowed to talk about life after death in a serious scientific manner. Therefore nobody is allowed to even balance the vicious attacks on Sir William Crookes like Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University did on a radio broadcast with the American Jeff Rense - I have done 12 broadcasts with Jeff. Some are in his archives. However, the supporters of Crookes have the Internet, something that Crookes, Lodge and Findlay could only just dream about.

7-What do you think of Arthur Findlay and his mediumship research?

Wonderful, this is what set me on the right course. Findlay materialised at the Rita Goold experiment in 1984 and gave me a hug, saying that he was working with me all the time. I replied that I knew this as I was not clever enough. I left school at 16 only just able to read and write. My brain was not clogged up, Findlay had a blank canvas to work on. I switched off at school, just doing enough to read and write. How do I know this was Arthur Findlay? No proof but surely my father who also materialised would not be mixed up with frauds.

8-What do you think of the contemporary materialization mediumship of David Thompson?

I have not witnessed his mediumship. Can only go on what Victor Zammit says. He is adamant that Thompson's mediumship is reuniting people on Earth with their "dead" loved ones. This includes Victor's wife Wendy. Victor tells me that he does not think Thompson is yet as advanced as Rita Goold was in 1983. She was ready for the scientists to go in with the infra-red cameras. There can be no breakthrough until we can get another materialisation medium to work with a scientific team like Florence Cook did in 1874. Don't forget these vital experiments were repeated by other scientific teams - Prof. Charles Richet (1923) A French team. Prof. Schrenck Notzing (1923) A German team. Dr. Glen Hamilton (1942) A Canadian team. Dr. W.J. Crawford (1918) An Irish team. Please note that the scientist I introduced to the Rita Goold experiment in 1983 was unable to complete his experiments and was therefore unable to report such a revolutionany thing. See the letters from Professor Archie Roy on my website: Correspondence section in date order 1983.

9-Do you think the scientific evidence for reincarnation is good?

Never come across reincarnation in my studies. Never heard a medium say, "Sorry, you can't make contact with him/her as they have gone back to Earth." See the book The Case Against Reincarnation by James Webster on my website. The aim is to let people all over the world know that we all survive the death of our physical bodies and that we are responsible and liable for what we do on Earth. We must not go off on any tangents, keep out of the psychic jungle at all costs.

10-According to your research, the phenomena of "ghosts" or "apparitions" is a real one? Do ghosts exist?

I am sure that sometimes people in the etheric wavelengths can impinge on Earth.

11-Do you think near-death experience provide good evidence for the afterlife?

Evidence, yes. Only a materialisation medium can provide the crushing scientific proof of survival.

12-A controversial line of evidence for survival is Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC). Do you think research in these fields provide good evidence for survival?

The few examples I have heard have not been very good.

13-What do you think of the so-called "organized skeptics" (Randi, CSICOP, etc.) and their radical opposition to the evidence for survival?

Victor Zammit covers this very well on his website.

14-Do you think that the evidence for survival conflicts with contemporary science, specially neuroscience and evolutionary biology?

Not half, orthodox scientific teaching starts from the false base that the mind and brain are the same, that death is the end of everything. Wobetide any scientist who dares to support Crookes and Lodge, their careers would be destroyed. Hence the success of Randi and his ilk who always have total command of the means of mass communication with nobody allowed to even hint at a balance. Go to the website of the Nobel Laureate for Physics Professor B.D. Josephson. He destroyes Randi and his pals on a BBC Radio 4 broadcast. We can attack Randi on the radio because I took the Radio Authority to the European Court of Human Rights and won. You can listen to this broadcast on his website. Josephson is still not allowed to do the same thing in our "free" country on British television.

15-According to your extensive research, can you summarize what happens when we die?

This is just hearsay but it sure sounds exciting if we have led a good life on Earth. Bloody awful if we have left a bomb in a crowded pub. We are immediately reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us. The priests know this hence their desperate efforts to destroy what we are saying. They are stuck with resting in peace in the ground waiting for the Second Comming of their saviour god.

16-What books would you like to recommend about the scientific evidence for survival?

"The trick is to read the right books." Carl Sagan. Vital to keep away from the psychic jungle. Just stick to Arthur Findlay, Crookes and Lodge.

17-Do you want to add something else to end the interview?

Never believe anything, check the facts very carefully. Watch out for experts. Once you have read Findlay you can then mark all the work on the subject.

Links of interest:

-Michael Roll's website.

-Michael Roll's videos (see this link and this one)

-Arthur Findley's online e-book On the edge of the etheric

-Audio of the BBC programme with Brian Josephson, James Randi and others.


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