Saturday, January 14, 2012

A french psychic makes predictions for 2012 -- From 30 years ago (Subtitles in English)

I have no idea who that guy is, and I don't trust in that video (it seems to be fake, indeed). In any case, I let the video here for your consideration because it has caused some interest on the internet.

Regarding the "end of the world" in 2012, I don't think it is going to happen. I think Mayan prophecies have been largely misrepresented, but this is a complex topic.

Regarding an "encounter with aliens" in 2012, after my study of ufology, I think there is evidence (not conclusive, but more or less good and interesting) to think some beings outside the Earth have been in touch with us for a long time. This could include beings from other planets, or from other dimensions (in both cases, they could be considered "aliens").

I don't discard that a "open, public contact" will happen some day, but I see no reason to think it will happen in 2012.


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