Saturday, January 7, 2012

Death and the path of the Apprentice by Jorge Carvajal Posada

Jorge Carvajal Posada is a Colombian physician, medical doctor and spiritual teacher. He's the creator of "Sintergetic Medicine" (Medicina Sintergetica, in the original Spanish language) which is a fusion of all known medical therapies (conventional, alternative, complementary, energetic, etc.) and consciousness studies.

For years, and from good reliable sources known by me, I've heard stories of Carvajal's amazing success in diseases considered as "incurable". He has an astonishing erudition of both conventional medicine and alternative therapies.

Unfortunately, his books and lectures are not available in English. However, in the following videos, you can watch a Carvajal's lecture on "death" and how this is relevant to "life". The video has subtitles in English. Enjoy:


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