Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Full video of the debate between American philosophers and scholars William Lane Craig and Alex Rosenberg on the topic Is Faith in God Reasonable? at Purdue University

This debate was widely expected by the scholarly circles in the United States, because both philosophers are very influential in the field of analytic philosophy.

Rosenberg is a widely read and well-known philosopher of science, social sciences and biology. Craig is a world's leading philosopher of religion and theologian, who has worked a lot on philosophy of science too (specially in philosophy of physics and cosmology).

I attended personally and enjoyed that debate, but I was strongly disappointed by Rosenberg's performance, which was very bad as you can watch for yourself and as the post-debate vote results showed.

This debate will be published in a scholarly book called Is Faith in God Reasonable?, which will include contributions by world' leading atheist and theist philosophers, with responses by Craig and Rosenberg.

I look forward to read that book!.

Read the first part of my review of this debate here.



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