Monday, August 26, 2013

Ashley Paramore on sexual assaults, harassments and abuses at atheist and skeptical conferences. More evidence of sexual misbehaviours, problems and abuses by "rational" and "scientific" atheists and skeptics

In the following video, you can watch the amazingly beautiful and nice atheist/skeptic girl Ashley Paramore commenting on some of her experiences with sexual assaults and abuses at atheist and skeptical conferences:

I'm astonished that in an advanced country like USA (and some European countries) these "atheist predators" who assault women at "skeptical conferences" are not punished by the law.

To any women reading this: DON'T ALLOW ANY ATTACK ON YOUR PHYSICAL INTEGRITY. Make use of the law, let's stop these assaults against women and girls!

 More evidence on sexual assaults and aggressions against women by "scientific atheists", here.


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