Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Juan Carlos Aguilar (aka Huang C): False Shaolin Monk from Spain is a serial killer and mutilator of women

A reader from Spain alerts me about the recent case of Juan Carlos Aguilar (Huang C), who falsely claimed to be a Shaolin monk and kung fu world champion, and who recently brutally killed two women (and presumibly, many more, since in his "dojo" were found some pieces of mutilated human bodies). 

According to the Huffington Post:

A Kung fu world champion and Shaolin master was arrested Sunday after Spanish authorities found a woman brutally beaten and tied up in his martial arts gym in Bilbao. But the vicious assault may not be 47-year-old Juan Carlos Aguilar's only crime.

After police searched his gym and home, they found other remains, believed to be human. According to sources close to the case, Aguilar confessed to the murder of another woman during his interrogation at a Basque police station, El Huffington Post reports.
Authorities discovered the injured victim Sunday after receiving reports that witnesses saw Aguilar drag a woman into his gym, according to the Associated Press.

More from the AP:

Spanish police are trying to determine whether bones found in the gym of a martial arts instructor belong to multiple crime victims. Police in the northern city of Bilbao discovered the bones Monday after they said witnesses saw Juan Carlos Aguilar drag a woman inside the gym by the hair. Officers found her inside, brutally beaten.
Authorities say they believe the bones found in garbage bags are human. Forensic testing is under way for confirmation and to determine how many people the bones belonged to and how they died.
Searches were also happening at the home of Aguilar, 47, and in a nearby river.
The woman who was beaten and tied up in the gym was in a coma at a Bilbao hospital Monday.
As El Pais notes, Aguilar was crowned a world champion in Kung fu three times. He was later inducted as a Shaolin master, a title rarely given to martial arts experts outside China. Aguilar, who adopted the name Huang C. Aguilar after he received the title, also founded a Buddhist monastery named Ocean of Tranquility in China.

According to the Shaolin Temple's website, the martial arts form practiced by monks at the temple "fully reflects the wisdom of Chan Buddhism."

In the following videos, we can watch Aguilar showing some of his martial skills:

Clearly, Aguilar knows some martial arts techniques, but according to people who has fought with him, he was a mediocre fighter. Aguilar's claims of being a world kung fu champion are also FALSE. Moreover, he is NOT Shaolin master at all. His supposed credentials (both martial and academic) are pure fiction.

He's very well known in the martial arts community in Europe (mainly due to the promotion of his videos by the martial arts magazine Budo International). In America, he's largely unknown.

Among martial artists in Europe, Aguilar was always seen as a kind of eccentric and more or less insane man. Searching in my archives of old martial arts magazines (I'm a collector of them), I found an article from Budo International in which Aguilar intentionally misrepresented the words of a kung fu master in Hong Kong in order to create a conflict with another Kung Fu master... Fortunately, both masters discussed the matter in private and clarified the problem, exposing Aguilar as a liar.

When I read such a thing in that moment (several years ago), I thought "This guy is a disgrace for the martial arts community". Several years after that, I saw him again in specialized magazines "transformed" into a Shaolin monk and an self-proclaimed expert in Chi Kung and Buddhism...

Clearly, Aguilar is a mytomaniac and a psychopath. Initially, he argued that he suffered from a brain tumour (as a way to "explain" to the police his misbehaviours against women), but the police didn't find any evidence for it. Moreover, hardly a brain tumour makes a normal person to become a serial killer.

He's a liar, a dangerous and pathological one.

We have to expect that the Spanish police and legal system will punish him with all the rigour of the law.


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